Analysis of social capital on the Northern border of Santander-Tachira


  • Mario de Jesús Zambrano-Miranda Escuela Superior de Administración Pública
  • Dennys Jazmín Manzano-López Universidad de Pamplona
  • Chanberlayn Pinzón-Solano Escuela Superior de Administración Pública
  • Carolina Marulanda-Ascanio Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte- Fesc



social capital, confidence, associativity, civic awareness, values


This article analyses Social Capital in the Norte de Santander-Táchira border in 2012, a very complex year permeated by tensions between the two nations. The paper explains how social capital influences the income level of the population. From this perspective, it is possible to generate conditions for the well-being of the population. The access that social capital represents and means for the quality of life, and that it makes it possible to achieve various goals not only in economic terms, but also in other aspects (civic participation). It is based on Bernardo Kliksberg's approach, which identifies four components: The results show that the levels of trust are weak, as are the levels of associativity and cooperation, but also with regard to civic awareness there are important aspects such as the disrepute of public institutions and politics; Finally, it is not possible to think of a process of economic, social, political and cultural development and growth without including the perspective of social capital, and even more so in a territorial and cross-border space, which imprints complex dynamics and demands integral solutions in the increasingly volatile and convulsive context of bilateral relations between the two countries.


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How to Cite

Analysis of social capital on the Northern border of Santander-Tachira . (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(21), 182-194.

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