Analysis of knowledge management models




organizational learning, knowledge, knowledge management, management models


Within the academic literature there are different models to manage knowledge both empirically and theoretically, where various ways of creating, capturing, disseminating and applying knowledge are evident, as a fundamental basis for the development of any type of organization. . However, some inconsistencies and gaps in the models for managing knowledge in organizations were identified. The purpose of the research is to analyze the different models of knowledge management both applied to organizations and theoretical, based on the background of this area of ​​knowledge. The methodology used consisted of carrying out a systematic review of the literature in bibliographic databases. It was concluded that for a knowledge management model it is necessary to take into account the particular practices of each organization and implement stages that promote greater learning, innovation, participation among collaborators, with the purpose of generating value and competitive advantages for the organization.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Fonseca, F. ., Castro-Silva, H. F. ., & Dávila- Carrillo, C. A. (2021). Analysis of knowledge management models. Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S6), 156–171.




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