The impact of social isolation on the recreational activities of older adults in a Geriatric Centre in San José de Cúcuta, Colombia, during the pandemic of COVID-19

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Viviana Karina Hernández Vergel
Raúl Prada Núñez
Cesar Augusto Hernández Suárez


During old age, social isolation becomes a significant challenge due to biopsychosocial changes. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated this problem, especially in institutionalised older adults. A descriptive quantitative approach was used to assess the leisure and recreational activities of older adults in a nursing home in San José de Cúcuta, Colombia. Sociodemographic data were collected and a validated instrument was applied to measure leisure activity preferences. Most of the older adults engaged in passive activities, such as watching television or listening to music. Significant correlations were found between age and frequency of walking, as well as differences in leisure activities by age. Leisure preferences appeared to be independent of gender. Social isolation during the pandemic affected the emotional well-being of older adults. It is suggested to diversify leisure activities, promote social interaction and explore the relationship between language and ageing. Preferences for leisure activities are independent of gender, and relationships with marital status and disability should be investigated. Significant differences in leisure activities by age were observed. The study has limitations, such as sample size, and future research is proposed to address these issues.

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The impact of social isolation on the recreational activities of older adults in a Geriatric Centre in San José de Cúcuta, Colombia, during the pandemic of COVID-19. (2024). Mundo FESC Journal, 14(28), 8-30.


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