Metacognición, metadidáctica, meta afectividad y meta tecnología: Una reflexión crítica sobre los ambientes de aprendizaje




Learning environments, Metacognition, Metadidactics, Meta-affectivity, Metatechnology.


Metacognition, metadidactics, metaaffectivity, and metatechnology are fundamental concepts in the field of education and learning. This paper aims to provide a reflection on these concepts and their impact on learning environments. Through this reflection, the paper seeks to provide an analytical, interpretive, and critical perspective that can enhance decision-making in the design of effective learning environments and inform future educational practices. By thoroughly understanding these concepts and their interconnections, educators can make more informed decisions on how to structure learning and support the development of cognitive and emotional skills in students. This, in turn, can lead to the improvement of educational practices and a more enriching and effective learning environment in which students can thrive.


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How to Cite

Bravo Valero, A. J., Nieto Sánchez, Z. C., & Cristancho, J. A. (2023). Metacognición, metadidáctica, meta afectividad y meta tecnología: Una reflexión crítica sobre los ambientes de aprendizaje. Mundo FESC Journal, 13(26), 300–312.



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