Business reorganization of the ceramic industry of Norte de Santander as a result of the closure of the colombianVenezuelan border
business reorganization, ceramic sector, border closureAbstract
The Norte de Santander ceramic sector is located in six municipalities on the Colombian-Venezuelan border and its market was traditionally aimed at Venezuelan customers, due to its proximity, ease of transportation and advantage in currency exchange. However, due to differences in the political and economic systems of the two countries, the border was closed in 2015 and the traditional market for the sector disappeared. The objective of this research is to determine the forms of managerial reorganization that the ceramic sector of Norte de Santander has had, in the face of the crisis of border closure. The study method is positivist and the information was collected from 49 organizations in the sector. The main findings indicate that the organizations studied carried out managerial reorganization actions such as modifying the product portfolio, investing in other businesses related or not with the company, modifying the shape and size of the staff and restructuring the governance and operation of the company.
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