Development of mathematical thinking in young people with visual impairment
education, visual impairment, teaching method, mathematical thinkingAbstract
There are educational opportunities that can be provided with appropriate tools to students with disabilities, in this case total and partial visual impairment, who are interested in pursuing higher education studies. The study focuses on the use of appropriate tools and processes for the development of mathematical thinking through didactic activities and strategies according to their learning. The ideal is the construction of academic goals for the development of mathematical thinking in visually impaired students that promote the development of cognitive skills for the exercise of a profession, through practical activities with technological tools according to the need. In the same way, we seek to characterize the population of students with visual impairment in secondary education institutions in their relationship with the educational and family environment. Finally, to propose educational actions that involve the goals established for the development of cognitive skills for the development of mathematical thinking. For the development of the research, a descriptive method with a qualitative approach is used in a case study. The process used to strengthen research in the didactic field is developed from the four steps of Polya’s problem-solving heuristics. The application of this method is done through oriented and practical activities using the Braille system, thus allowing access to information through touch and the development of other senses. The results show the beginning of an education in inclusion, with academic actions typical of the condition of visual disability and with motivation to allow the development of mathematical thinking. In the light of these results, it is found that students with visual impairment can respond favorably to academic actions and will be reflected in the educational proposal.
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