Cooperative learning to strengthen the classroom environment and the teacher-student relationship




cooperative learning, classroom environment, pedagogical practice, team work


The teacher-student relationship is fundamental in teaching, it is a dynamic expressed in the student's attitude to learn and the teacher's attitude to exploit all the potential to learn, develop and grow in the student, despite their conditions; but this implies a deep knowledge of the being in the other. It is important that the teacher develops all possible strategies that are relevant to many factors such as the context, interests and learning styles of their students, favouring companionship, acceptance of differences and the capabilities of each student willing to work as a team; cooperative learning is a teaching and learning strategy that strengthens the classroom environment and the teacher-student relationship. The aim of the study is to identify the factors that influence the classroom environment, to develop didactic strategies framed in collaborative learning as an educational approach and to stimulate social cooperation. The work is framed in the qualitative paradigm with ethnomethodological approach giving importance to the practice and relationships of the actors of the educational process in the classroom favouring the individualisation of the actions; the information is collected through participant observation, semi-structured interview and academic and disciplinary record of the student. The results obtained indicate that the implementation of cooperative learning allowed the students to be motivated in the development of the learning process, being protagonists of the elaboration of knowledge through cooperative teams where roles were determined taking into account their abilities, they identified themselves as a compact group that allowed the promotion of respect and solidarity. With regard to the teachers, integration and assertive communication with the students was achieved, as the cooperative learning strategy modified the routine organisation of the class into a more active and participatory one.

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How to Cite

Cooperative learning to strengthen the classroom environment and the teacher-student relationship. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(s4), 71-80.

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