Conditions of vulnerability of the socio-educational context of the Catatumbo region that affect the learning of mathematics


  • José Manuel Rodríguez-Rodríguez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Henry de Jesús Gallardo-Pérez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Daniel Villamizar-Jaimes Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



learning, armed conflict, teaching strategies, pedagogical practice


Vulnerability is the diminished ability of an individual or group of individuals to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the effects of a natural or human-induced hazard because of the inequality that various historical, economic, cultural, political and biological factors present in population groups and affect the well-being of society. The research aims to determine the socio-educational conditions of vulnerability that affect the learning of mathematics in students in an area characterized by the presence for several decades of armed conflict in which children are involved in one way or another. The research is carried out using a multi-method approach, observing the students in their natural state. It is found that the main vulnerabilities that affect the learning of mathematics are: among others: low school performance, deficit in the pedagogical competences of the teacher, negative attitude of the teacher(s) in the orientation of the area of mathematics, little evaluation of the usefulness of mathematics in daily life, lack of interest in school improvement (education is not valued), lack of previous concepts in the area of mathematics, parents with few academic studies, extreme poverty and unfavorable working conditions.


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How to Cite

Conditions of vulnerability of the socio-educational context of the Catatumbo region that affect the learning of mathematics. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(s4), 201-208.

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